Death Streamer (2024)
Despite a few technical hiccups and logical leaps, Death Streamer is an ambitious blend of gothic horror and modern technology.

Quadrant (2024)
Though hampered by an overuse of AI-generated art and some technical hiccups, Quadrant is a decently violent sci-fi horror film.

The Primevals (2023)
With its fantastic stop-motion effects, solid production design, and simple but effective story, The Primevals is a fun adventure.

Bad CGI Gator (2023)
While it has a few laughs and lives up to its title, Bad CGI Gator is forgettable, save for its title gimmick.

Mutant Hunt (1987)
While it still has the same issues as Tim Kincaid’s other work, Mutant Hunt at least has decent makeup effects and isn’t slow-paced.

AIMEE: The Visitor (2023)
While it has some ambitious ideas, decent acting, and a solid gimmick, AIMEE: The Visitor isn’t anything we haven’t already seen.

Demonic Toys: Jack-Attack (2023)
While it has some of the same issues of many modern Full Moon movies, Demonic Toys: Jack-Attack is still decent entertainment.

Arena (1989)
While it has some inventive creature designs and impressive sets, Arena can’t decide if it wants to be fun or taken seriously.

Blade: The Iron Cross (2020)
While it has some decent gore and puppet effects, Blade: The Iron Cross is another mid-tier entry in the long-running franchise.

Cellar Dweller (1988)
While not one of Empire’s best films, Cellar Dweller is an interesting watch with a well-designed monster and unique concept.