Since 1977, Star Wars has remained one of the most successful and culturally significant franchises of all time. The brainchild of filmmaker George Lucas, the series has endured thanks to its characters, expansive lore, and memorable set pieces. The original trilogy films are often considered some of the greatest science-fiction films ever made, and for good reason. However, the prequel trilogy is remembered less favorably, and the current Disney era has been divisive amongst fans. Regardless, Star Wars is just as popular as it was at release, if not more so today. 2019 marks the release of what’s considered the conclusion to the saga, Star Wars – Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. In preparation, I plan to review each of the films before Rise of Skywalker‘s release, both good and bad. The Force is strong with FilmNerd as we begin Star Wars: A Retrospective.
Star Wars Retrospective – An Introduction