A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
With a memorable villain, solid cast, fantastic filmmaking, and a simple but effective story, A Nightmare on Elm Street is a classic.

Murder-Rock: Dancing Death (1984)
While not as gruesome or memorable as his earlier splatter films, Murder-Rock: Dancing Death is an interesting footnote in Fulci’s career.

Satan’s Blade (1984)
Satan’s Blade is one of the most boring slashers ever made with its uninteresting characters, dull pace, and barely there kills.

Splatter University (1984)
While hampered by bad acting, needless filler scenes, and scenes that go nowhere, Splatter University offers plenty of enjoyable camp.

Fatal Games (1984)
Despite its low budget and numerous genre cliches, Fatal Games is an enjoyable slasher thanks to its unique setting and memorable twist.

Silent Madness (1984)
While formulaic and light on violence, Silent Madness stands out thanks to its decent cast and cheesy but fun 3D effects.

The Mutilator (1984)
While it’s got some gruesome kills and a catchy, if out of place, theme song, The Mutilator is a pretty formulaic slasher film.

The Prey (1983)
While it’s slowly paced and uses a lot of nature stock footage, The Prey is a decent, if unremarkable, slasher film with some solid gore.

10 to Midnight (1983)
Though a product of its time, 10 to Midnight mixes detective thriller, vigilante, and slasher movie elements to make something special.

The Final Terror (1983)
While not the most compelling or intense horror film, The Final Terror is an interesting mix of slasher and survival elements.