The House on Sorority Row (1983)
With moments of well-staged suspense, a likable cast, and an intriguing story, The House on Sorority Row is more than your typical slasher.

Curtains (1983)
Though a bit of a disjointed mess, Curtains is a nonetheless fascinating slasher with a creepy killer and an intriguing plot.

A Blade in the Dark (1983)
While not among the best giallo films, A Blade in the Dark has plenty of gruesome kills and stylish cinematography to keep fans happy.

Sleepaway Camp (1983)
With its memorable characters, unique kills, and homegrown feel, Sleepaway Camp is an underrated slasher classic that earns its cult status.

Alone in the Dark (1982)
Thanks to a stellar cast of character actors, solid direction, dark humor, and a sense of dread, Alone in the Dark is an underrated gem.

Madman (1982)
Though light on characterization and originality, Madman stands out thanks to its creepy atmosphere, gruesome kills, and a great villain.

The New York Ripper (1982)
While its view of women is questionable, The New York Ripper is an excellent showcase of NYC sleaze with memorably gruesome kills.

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
While it plays like a typical slasher film, The Slumber Party Massacre stands out thanks to its memorable killer and feminist symbolism.

Tenebre (1982)
With memorably gruesome kills, a great soundtrack, and an intriguing story, Tenebre is one of Dario Argento’s best movies.

Pieces (1982)
Much like the tagline suggests, Pieces is exactly what you think it is: a sleazy slasher with some memorable kills and ridiculous dialogue.