Curse of the Cannibal Confederates (1982)
Aside from some campy gore scenes, Curse of the Cannibal Confederates is one of the most boring films to bear the Troma logo.

Rose and Viktor: No Mercy (2017)
While rough around the edges, Rose and Viktor: No Mercy is a delightfully trashy send-up of old-school exploitation films.

Klown Kamp Massacre (2010)
While it borrows from much better horror films, and the humor is juvenile, Klown Kamp Massacre is an enjoyably silly slasher film.

VHS Massacre Too (2020)
While it strays further from the original’s subject, VHS Massacre Too is a fascinating documentary about censorship and independent films.

Slashening: The Final Beginning (2021)
Slashening: The Final Beginning is an enjoyable slasher spoof with tons of gore and great gags like its predecessor.

Story of a Junkie (1985)
While it can be slow and meandering, Story of a Junkie is a fascinating time capsule and a cautionary tale about drug abuse.

Decampitated (1998)
While indeed a product of its time, Decampitated has plenty of gags and kills to make this an enjoyable horror-comedy.

Hectic Knife (2016)
While its sense of humor won’t appeal to everyone, Hectic Knife is a dryly sarcastic stab at vigilante movies.

VHS Massacre: Cult Films and the Decline of Physical Media (2016)
While not very focused and slightly disorganized, VHS Massacre: Cult Films and the Decline of Physical Media is a solid documentary.

Blood Junkie (2010)
While the characters are unlikable and act like annoying hipsters, Blood Junkie is an impressive feat of low-budget filmmaking.